Looking for a Mother’s Day Gift For Your Pregnant Wife or Friend? Here are 10 Great New Mom Gifts!


It's never a bad time to think about gifts for moms, but it can be challenging picking out great new mom gifts.

After all, they'll need everything for their new bundle of joy; from a years' worth of clothes (that they'll outgrow way too fast) to nipple cream and diapers. 

While these gifts are appreciated by mothers everywhere, those are gifts that- technically- go towards taking care of the baby.

What about a gift that's actually for Mom?

Whether you're looking for a Mother’s Day gift for your pregnant wife, inspiration for her birthday, or a push present, here are 10 gifts she'll remember forever. 

10 Great New Mom Gifts For Mother's Day 

What is the best gift for mothers day? 

In all honesty, nothing is off-limits. I mean, isn't every day mothers day?

Traditionally, we think of jewelry for Mother's Day gifts. Or maybe a spa day to let her know that this is a day to pamper herself after 364 days of being supermom. 

You don't want to get her just any piece of jewelry, though. And she should get more than one day a year to treat herself.

So let's think outside the box. 

#10: Recognition


The gift that keeps on giving. 

Mothers go through hell and back to not only grow a human being but to manage their own physical and mental needs— all while taking care of a newborn.

Did you know that 10-20% of new mothers reported some form of clinical postpartum depressionThe least we can do for our new mamas is to show her that not only do we recognize what she went through, but what she will continue to do every day for the rest of her life. 

One way we pay tribute to these women is with our Joujou Mama Necklace and ring.

Yeah, yeah, Mother's Day jewelry isn't a novel idea. But seeing those 4 letters is going to mean a whole hell of a lot more than you think. Just imagine giving this Mother’s Day gift to your pregnant wife. Seeing those words for the first time is going to light her up. 

It's recognition that being a Mama is part of her now. It's a new name that she can identify with. 

She (and the rest of the world) should celebrate that. 

#9: A Weighted Blanket


You've heard of the traditional baby blanket, but what about a new mama blanket?

Up to fifteen percent (15%) of women will develop anxiety during pregnancy or after childbirth. Not only will a weighted give mom the warm coddling she deserves, but it can help relieve some of her postpartum anxiety.

#8: An Easy Form of Entertainment

what is the best gift for mother day

New moms rarely have the time to be bored, but rocking their child to sleep shouldn't be the only entertainment she gets throughout the day.

Hulu, Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Audible are all great new mom gifts that she'll actually use. Consider buying her a year's subscription to her favorite streaming service (or a new one that you know she won't buy for herself).

It'll give her some "me" time— even if it's just in the background. 

Audible is another affordable Mother's Day gift that can help stimulate her mind and get her out of her own head. She can choose to listen to self-help books, new mom books, or murder stories, all while breastfeeding her newborn!

#7: Snacks, Snacks, and More Snacks


Listen, if there's anything a new mother needs, it's a stash of her own snacks. 

Moms are insanely busy thinking about literally everyone but themselves. Some don't have the time to (or simply don't want to) make lunch for themselves. 

You can help make sure they're keeping care of themselves by gifting them a basket of healthy (and gluttonous) snacks!

I recommend one-handed snacks like:

  • Energy or Quest Bars

  • Homemade cookies, brownies, or protein balls  (get that protein, girl)

  • A fruit basket

#6: A Sense of Relief


Mamas are going to worry no matter how many times you tell them not to. But here are a few great new mom gifts that may give her at least some peace of mind.

If she doesn't already have a baby monitor, get her one ASAP. But let's assume she's already prepped with her 24/7 baby cam. In that case, she might appreciate a set of security cameras since she's more than likely going to be home alone all day. They're only like, $200.

Of course, you can always give her what she really wants but will never ask for: sleep.

Offer to babysit for an entire day so she can rest. You can also alternate with her friends so she can get one day a week of relaxation (or at least once a month)! 

#5: Skincare Products are Great New Mom Gifts


Moms are tired, overworked, and underpaid. The easiest way you can help new moms feel good about themselves is the gift of self-care. 

The next time you're at the house, find an excuse to sneak into her bathroom and take note of her (nearly) empties. Write down the products she uses and pick them up on your next Target run.

 Or better yet, have it delivered to the house! 

#4: Memories For Her and Her Journey


You don't have to overthink it when it comes to great new mom gifts. 

Being a new mom can be scary. Everything changes from the inside out. Help her keep a record of the good times (and the bad) by giving her a pregnancy journal with prompts about her day-to-day life. It'll be great to look back on her journey during her next pregnancy or when her kids are older.

You can also get her a notebook for personal journaling or a baby book!

If you really want, you can even gift her a year of Amazon Prime (only $140 annually!), so she can pick these things out for herself. It'll also come in handy for all the extra baby supplies she'll inevitably need.

#3: Girls Night Out or In (But Let Her Pick)


Mama needs a break, and you're her ticket to a night out. So make plans with dad or take the initiative to hire a babysitter you can trust. 

You know your new mom friend best, so if she won't be down for an impromptu surprise Girls Night Out, lay out a few game plans. Then, decide with her on the best course of action. 

Maybe she would rather stay in for a glass of wine and some girl talk while the baby sleeps. Let her decide.

#2: A Simple Connection to Her Child


If "Mama" isn't a word she connects with, these Joujou A-Z Necklaces are an excellent alternative for personalized Mothers Day jewelry. Monogram or birthstone jewelry pieces are simple ways a new mom can feel connected to her child. 

They're minimal, elegant, and they just look so damn good. 

BONUSOur Joujour Collection (including the Mama necklace and ring) are moveable jewelry that both Mom and child will love to play with!

#1: Comfortable Clothes That Make Her Feel Badass


While some badass moms bounce right back after childbirth, the rest of the moms out there might just want to feel badass in their sweats and Birkenstocks at home.  

Learn her style and then get shopping. A monochrome sweat set is an easy way to help her feel glamorous and comfortable at the same time. And no mom is going to say 'no' to a new supply of leggings. 

Imagine her in this set combined with the Joujou Mama Necklace— your new mama is going to feel like a brand new woman.  

Still unsure? Jewelry always makes great new mom gifts! Sign up to get 20% OFF when you buy the Joujou Mama Necklace and matching Ring. Klarna available!

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